SQL Server Identity Function Tutorial.

An identity column in SQL Server is a column that automatically generates a unique value for each row inserted into a table. This is typically used for primary key columns to ensure that each row can be uniquely identified. Here’s a detailed explanation of how identity columns work, how to create them, and some common use cases and functions associated with them.

Creating an Identity Column

When you create a table in SQL Server, you can define an identity column by specifying the IDENTITY property. The IDENTITY property takes two parameters:

  • Seed: The initial value for the identity column.
  • Increment: The value by which the identity column is incremented for each new row.


CREATE TABLE TableName ( ColumnName DataType IDENTITY(Seed, Increment),
 -- Other columns );

Example: Here i have created two table Employees1 and Employees2 by changing seed of identity column.

CREATE TABLE Employees1 (
FirstName NVARCHAR(50),
LastName NVARCHAR(50),
Email NVARCHAR(100)
CREATE TABLE Employees2 (
FirstName NVARCHAR(50),
LastName NVARCHAR(50),
Email NVARCHAR(100)

In this example:

  • EmployeeID is the identity column.
  • The identity column starts at 1 (Seed = 1) and at 100(Seed=100) and increments by 1 (Increment = 1) for each new row.

lets insert few rows in both table ( seed at 1,10) an identity column, you do not need to provide a value for the identity column. SQL Server automatically generates it.

INSERT INTO Employees1 (FirstName, LastName, Email)
VALUES ('Naren1', 'Dahiya1', 'nsdahiya8040@gmail.com'),
('Naren2', 'Dahiya2', 'nsdahiya8040@gmail.com'),
('Naren3', 'Dahiya3', 'nsdahiya8040@gmail.com'),
('Naren4', 'Dahiya4', 'nsdahiya8040@gmail.com'),
('Naren5', 'Dahiya5', 'nsdahiya8040@gmail.com');

INSERT INTO Employees2 (FirstName, LastName, Email)
VALUES ('Naren1', 'Dahiya1', 'nsdahiya8040@gmail.com'),
('Naren2', 'Dahiya2', 'nsdahiya8040@gmail.com'),
('Naren3', 'Dahiya3', 'nsdahiya8040@gmail.com'),
('Naren4', 'Dahiya4', 'nsdahiya8040@gmail.com'),
('Naren5', 'Dahiya5', 'nsdahiya8040@gmail.com');

You can see the in both table employees1 and employees2 ,first employee gets an ID value 1 and 100 each new records ID value gets an increment of one.

We have some Important Identity function that works with identity column .let’s explore identity function with example:

  • SQL @@IDENTITY Function
  • SQL IDENTITY Function

SQL @@IDENTITY Function:

Returns the last identity value generated for any table in the current session, but not necessarily in the current scope.


select @@identity

We use SQL @@identity function to return max identity value from table in current session .once row get inserted in a table @@identity function genrate a unique id for next row that is auto incremental.when we run other query @@identity function return NULL value .We can not use on remote server and linked server.


We have max identity is 8 and 106 in both table.once we inserted record in both table its incremented by 1 .we can check max identity value is 8 and 106.For verifying last inserted @@identity we can use select @@identity .


IDENT_CURRENT is a function in SQL Server that returns the last identity value generated for a specified table in any session and any scope. This function can be useful when you need to retrieve the most recent identity value for a table, regardless of which session or scope generated it.


  • table_name: The name of the table for which you want to retrieve the last identity value.

IDENT_CURRENT is not limited by scope or session, meaning it retrieves the identity value generated by the last insert operation, regardless of where it occurred . A scope can be a module, trigger, function or a stored procedure.Let’s again insert rows in both Empoyees1 and Employee2 table and check max identity .

It does’nt metter where we running IDENT_CURRENT in current session or other session it always return max identity value from table if we run it before insertion it will return null value.


The SCOPE_IDENTITY() function in SQL Server is used to retrieve the last identity value inserted into an identity column in the same scope and session. It is particularly useful when you need to obtain the identity value generated by an INSERT statement in the current session and scope, ensuring that it was generated within the same batch, stored procedure, or trigger.



In the following example, we see that both the @@IDENTITY and SCOPE_IDENTITY() return the same value in the current session and similar scope.

Let’s understand the difference between SCOPE_IDENTITY() and @@IDENTITY in other way get to know well about same scope and current session.

we can see that both the @@IDENTITY and SCOPE_IDENTITY() return the same value in the current session and similar scope.

Let’s consider we have two tables Employees1 and Employees2 table. We can create an dynamic insert query and one similer insertion query as we have done earlier. Once we insert any row on Employees1 and Employees2 by using dynamic query .

In the current session, we inserted data into the Employees1 table. It generates an identity in this table. The identity seed value is 1 for the Employees1 table and insert value in the Employees2 table. The identity seed value is 100 .

  • We get the output 110 for the SELECT @@IDENTITY function
  • SCOPE_IDENTITY function returns identity value under the current scope only. It gives output 14 for this function
--Before insertion
select MAX(employeeid) as max_employee1 from Employees1
select MAX(employeeid) as max_employee2 from Employees2
INSERT INTO Employees1 (FirstName, LastName, Email)
VALUES ('Naren7', 'Dahiya7', 'nsdahiya8040@gmail.com');
select SCOPE_IDENTITY() as 'scope_identity' --same session
select @@IDENTITY as 'identity' --same session

declare @query nvarchar(max)='INSERT INTO Employees2 (FirstName, LastName, Email)
VALUES (''Naren7'', ''Dahiya7'', ''nsdahiya8040@gmail.com'');'
exec (@query)
select SCOPE_IDENTITY() as 'scope_identity'--in current scope max inserted identity is 13
select @@IDENTITY as 'identity'  --in current session max inserted identity is 109 


In SQL Server, the IDENTITY property is not a function but a column property used to automatically generate unique values for new rows in a table. This property is typically used for creating primary key columns that auto-increment. Below is a detailed explanation of the IDENTITY property and how it can be used.


column_name data_type IDENTITY(seed, increment)
  • column_name: The name of the column.
  • data_type: The data type of the column, usually INT or BIGINT.
  • seed: The initial value for the first row.
  • increment: The value to be added to the seed for each subsequent row

Creating a Table with an IDENTITY Column

CREATE TABLE Employees ( ID INT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY, FirstName NVARCHAR(50), LastName NVARCHAR(50),emailid nvarchar(100),mobno nvarchar(15) );

Inserting Data into a Table with an IDENTITY Column

When you insert data into a table with an identity column, you do not need to provide a value for the identity column. SQL Server will automatically generate it:

INSERT INTO Employees (FirstName, LastName, emailid,mobno) VALUES ('Naren', 'dahiya', 'xyz@gmail.com','857563647'), ('test', 'test', 'xyx@gmail.com','7645342');

By understanding and using the IDENTITY property in SQL Server, you can efficiently manage auto-incrementing primary key columns and ensure unique identifiers for your table rows.

Resetting the identity column:

inserted row starts with a specified value. This can be particularly useful when you want to reset the identity column after deleting rows from a table or for testing purposes. Here’s how you can reset the identity column using the DBCC CHECKIDENT command.


DBCC CHECKIDENT (table_name, RESEED, new_reseed_value);

Let’s understand by example assume that we have Employee1 table with seed 1 meaning next row automatically increment by 1 ,let’s insert two row.

If you want to reset the identity column so that the next inserted row starts at a specific value, use DBCC CHECKIDENT. For example, to reset it to start at 10 .This means the next inserted row will have EmployeeID 11.

Reset to 0: If you want the next inserted row to start at 1, you can reset the identity to 0:


Reset After Deleting All Rows: If you delete all rows from a table and want to reset the identity column:

DELETE FROM Employees; 

If we want to insert deleted identity then we can use identy_insert on and off property to insert missing identity make sure query dont take much time unless performance issue can occure on table.


By understanding and using the IDENTITY property in SQL Server, you can efficiently manage auto-incrementing primary key columns and ensure unique identifiers for your table rows.

How to insert deleted identity row in SQL Server.

To insert a deleted identity row back into a SQL Server table while preserving the specific identity value, you need to temporarily enable IDENTITY_INSERT for the table.

  • Enable IDENTITY_INSERT on the table.
  • Insert the row with the specific identity value.
  • Disable IDENTITY_INSERT on the table.

Assume you have a table named td_employee with an identity column EmployeeID and other columns like FirstName, LastName, and Email.


  • Ensure Unique Identity Values: Make sure the identity value you’re inserting does not already exist in the table, as this would cause a primary key violation.
  • Performance Impact: Avoid keeping IDENTITY_INSERT on for extended periods, as it can affect performance and concurrency.
  • Permissions: You need appropriate permissions to enable/disable IDENTITY_INSERT and perform inserts.


  • SET IDENTITY_INSERT [TableName] ON: This command allows you to explicitly insert values into the identity column of the table.
  • INSERT INTO [TableName] ([ColumnList]) VALUES ([Values]): This is the standard SQL insert statement, but with the identity column explicitly included in the column list.
  • SET IDENTITY_INSERT [TableName] OFF: This command disables the ability to insert explicit values into the identity column, returning control of the identity column to SQL Server.

By following these steps, you can reinsert a deleted row with its original identity value, ensuring data integrity and continuity in your table.

How to remove duplicate data in SQL server.

For remove duplicate data in SQL Server, you can use various approaches. Below, I’ll outline a method using Common Table Expressions and the ROW_NUMBER() function, which is a commonly used and effective method to assign unique number to each row.

Identify Duplicates:

  • Use the ROW_NUMBER() function to assign a unique identifier to each row within a partition of duplicates.

Delete the Duplicates:

  • Keep the first occurrence (based on some ordering, usually a primary key id column) and delete the rest.


Assume you have a table named test123 with columns id, FirstName, LastName, and Email, and Mobileno you want to remove duplicates based on Mobileno.

SQL Script

Here is a complete SQL script to achieve this:


  1. Identify Duplicates with a CTE:
    • The CTE uses ROW_NUMBER() to assign a unique number to each row within partitions defined by Mobileno.
    • The PARTITION BY clause groups rows that are considered duplicates.
    • The ORDER BY clause ensures the row with the smallest id gets RowNumber = 1.
  2. Delete the Duplicates:
  • The DELETE statement removes rows where RowNumber is greater than 1, effectively keeping only the first occurrence of each set of duplicates if want to take latest occurrence so we can use order by id desc.

Additional Considerations:

  • Back Up Data: Before performing delete operations, always back up your data to prevent data loss.
  • Take a complete backup of table by using below script to prevent data losses .
  • select * into table_name from table

Following this method, you can efficiently remove duplicate rows from your SQL Server table while keeping your data consistent and clean.

How to create a linked server using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) and T-SQL.

To Creating a linked server in SQL Server allows you to access external data sources such as other SQL Server instances, or other OLE DB data sources(e.g MYSQL,ORACLE,PLSQL etc). Here is a step-by-step guide on.

1.Using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS):

  • Open SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).
  • Connect to the SQL Server instance where you want to create the linked server.
  • In the Object Explorer, expand the Server Objects .
  • Right-click on Linked Servers and select New Linked Server.
  • In the New Linked Server dialog box:
  • Linked server: Enter the name of the linked server.
  • Server type: Select SQL Server or Other data source depending on the type of external data source.
  • Data Source: Enter the name or network address of the SQL Server instance you want to link to.

For Other Data Source:

  • Provider: Select the appropriate OLE DB provider.
  • Product name: Enter the name of the product.
  • Data source: Enter the network name of the external data source.
  • Provider string: Optional connection string specific to the provider.
  • Location: Optional location of the data.
  • Catalog: The initial database to connect to.

Security Page:

  • Configure the security settings for the linked server.
  • You can choose to impersonate a login or specify remote login and password.
  • Click OK to create the linked server.
  • Right click on newly created linked server and test connection if success then connection created sucessfully else failed.

2.Using T-SQL:

Here is an example T-SQL script to create a linked server:

Linked server configuration:
EXEC sp_addlinkedserver
@server = 'test',
@srvproduct = '',
@provider = 'provider name',
@datasrc = 'Remote server name or ip address';

Linked server security configuration:
EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin 
    @rmtsrvname = 'test', 
    @useself = 'false', 
    @locallogin = NULL, 
    @rmtuser = 'sa', 
    @rmtpassword = '*****';
Verify linked server:
SELECT * FROM sys.servers WHERE name = 'test';


  • Ensure the appropriate OLE DB(32 bit or 64 bit) provider is installed and configured on the SQL Server instance ..
  • For security reasons, consider creating a SQL Server login with minimal privileges for use with the linked server.
  • Test the linked server connection to ensure it works correctly(Right click and test connection).

By following these steps, you can create and configure a linked server in SQL Server, allowing you to query and interact with external data sources directly from your SQL Server session.

How can I save a SQL Server Profiler trace and read it using a T-SQL command?

1.Save the Trace File:

  • Open SQL Server Profiler.Configure the trace by setting the events and filters as needed.Start the trace.Save the trace results to a file by selecting File > Save As > Trace File.Provide a file name xyz and save it.

2.Read the Trace File Using T-SQL:

  • Use the fn_trace_gettable function to read the trace file.

Here is an example T-SQL command to read the saved trace file: